
working on my second ever zine at the moment (first one created with only one edition while i was drunk/bored at a party the weekend before i left - i'll scan when i get back). my coughing is slowly getting better. mom says i can have my last hot lemon tomorrow. i doubt it'll be my last. but...

yes, so as of now i am taking screenprinting next semester! wjejrejrej i'll see once class starts whether to drop it or not due to course load. but overall, excited!

tomorrow is my second last night here. also my parent's anniversary.

today we went to kittwig, which is less than 20 minutes away. i thought it was a really beautiful town. i would rather live by the fields/mountains. yeah yeah yeah yeah. yesterday was spent entirely in koln. eeee.

okay, it has to be passed three by now, i should sleep before my mom wakes up.

zine number two.
edition of 50 (?) / colour/bw ? / xerox/gocco ? / hand-coloured ? / 20 or less pages. / make it a chapbook instead ? /
okay more drawing tomorrow.